Why does my dog barely eat

So if your old dog is losing weight there is almost certainly an underlying cause. Bear in mind weight loss is a symptom of several illnesses including diabetes, heart, liver or kidney disease and cancer. It can also be a sign of poor digestion, dental disease, or an inability to swallow.

Weight loss in older dogs is not normal so always consult your vet if your old dog is losing weight. A dog is drinking excessive amounts of water a condition referred to as polydipsia but refusing to eat could be a symptom of many things, including diabetes, liver disease or an infection, among others. If your dog is drinking lots but not eating, contact your vet who will be able to discuss diagnosis and treatment with you.

It is important to try to work out if they have no interest in food or if your dog is hungry but not managing to eat for some reason — in these cases, they will show interest in food and sometimes attempt to eat, but then give up or sometimes run backwards. They may also run some tests, such as X-rays, ultrasound, taking blood, urine and faecal samples, to check for illness and disease.

Your vet will be able to advise on treatment after determining the underlying reason your dog has lost their appetite. If they have dental disease and sore teeth , they may need some teeth extracted under general anaesthetic. If your pet is anorexic due to disease, treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If your vet has advised you to tempt your dog to eat, here are some tips:. If you have children, maybe they have just gone back to school, and the puppy is experiencing separation anxiety.

Or maybe the kids are spending more time at home. Keep an eye open for potential sources of stress for your pup. Well, the same can hold true for puppies. If you think this might be the reason, check out some ways to help keep your pup cool. Just like babies become fussy about eating when they are teething, so can puppies. The discomfort and soreness they experience in their mouth can make them reluctant to eat their food, especially if it is dry food. The pain could be from an injury — after all, puppies can be quite accident-prone!

Pups can also experience inflammation of their pancreas pancreatitis or growing pains from their developing bones. They could even have something stuck in their mouth — like a splinter or piece of wood from chewing on a stick — or a broken tooth from a bad chew toy. Check for any external or obvious sources of pain. See below for some teething toy suggestions and alternatives to dry food. Some snacks and treats, whether stolen by your puppy or given freely by you, can cause digestive upset as well as obesity and begging later in life.

They may even cause your puppy to reject the healthier and balanced dog foods they should be eating! You can greatly decrease the chance of your pup sneaking their own treats by puppy-proofing your home and teaching them not to counter surf.

If your pup is having diarrhea for more than 12 hours, they are at risk for dehydration. The risk for dehydration increases if your puppy is also vomiting. Many puppies have roundworms or other parasites in their gut before you get them home. This is a big part of the reason why we vets usually deworm puppies at their puppy visits, recommend fecal poop testing, and vaccinate to prevent Parvo and other devastating diseases.

Learn more on how to prevent some of these diseases through effective vaccinations and parasiticides. For example, puppies with liver shunts will have stunted growth, poor muscle development, abnormal behavior such as head pressing, seizures, circling, etc. Compare Breeds Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side. Dog Name Finder Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration.

Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Additional Resources AKC. Clubs Offering: Training Classes. Back To Common Conditions. By Teresa Traverse Sep 20, 4 Minutes.

Sep 20, 4 Minutes. Pour chicken broth, beef broth, clam juice, or tuna water over the food to make it more appealing. Pour warm water over dry food to make it softer. Feeding your dog dry food if they usually only eat wet food or vice versa. Unclear if the hormone triggered his appetite. Test came back normal…. He was eating fine until about 9 months old and then he suddenly stopped.

Your vets do seem to have exhausted all the usual avenues; the only additional suggestion I can think of would be to consider referral to a gastroenterology specialist in a referral hospital, who would have more experience with unusual presentations like this. Our dog had a tumor on her spleen two years ago this May. It was removed and the tumor was malignant. We were told she would probably only live another two months as this was a cancer in her blood stream.

So almost two years later she is still with us but in the last few months she started to snub her dog food. We started giving he moist dog food which she would eat. We mixed human food into her dry to entice her to eat which she did for awhile. She has not not had dog good dry or moist for almost a month.

We cannot get her to eat dog food. We have been to the vet twice to try and figure out what is happening. They cannot seem to find anything and has told us her cancer has not spread. Our dog is even indifferent about some human foods. She loved eggs and now will no longer eat eggs.

Any suggestions. I should mentions she does have some very large lumps that they say are just fatty lumps but they cannot remove them. They feel since her surgery she will always be anemic and cannot be put under for further surgery. She still enjoys going for her walk. She was also diagnosed some time ago with severe anxiety and arthritis so she does have medication for that as well. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry for bouncing around a bit in my message.

Might it be worth talking to the vet about a referral to a qualified canine behaviourist in your area? Since then he rarely if at all eats. He has today been sick 4 times a yellow bile. Is there anything we can do or try to see him through?

Hello my almost 6 month old Sheba inu Pom mix has stopped eating and tomorrow will be day two. Is this normal? My 4 year old hybrid is very lovable and friendly active dog he goes everywhere I go and all the sudden today he wontveat not even a slice of roast beef he threw up today and has just been acting diferent he is very loved and spoiled please help.

Please suggest to me what to do this has been going on for about a month now. He only eats properly once in maybe every days that too not his regular food. I think that needs a vet check to rule out any underlying medical problems. For a labrador to lose appetite is unusual and usually worrying. I have a 5 year old Female Australian Cattle dog who was diagnosed with Gastroenteritis and prescribed a couple different meds.

This was over 2 weeks ago. She has been in and out of the hospital almost daily until recently for IV fluids. She now drinks on her own. However Since she became ill she will not eat, so I have to force feed her several times a day. I now also have been using entyce to drive her appetite to no avail.

Is there anything that I can do to help her with her food aversion? She reacts to the word hungry and will take some food into her mouth but will then spit it out. As info Pancreatitis was ruled out through an ultrasound. It might be time to consider moving to tempt feeding — novel foods, highly aromatic foods, etc. The nurses or techs in your vets practice are probably the people to talk to… good luck!

My saluki has not eaten anything for 2 days She just laying on the couch dose not what to go out. Get her seen by a vet ASAP — that is not normal behaviour and needs urgent veterinary attention. Hi my name is Michelle. I have two dogs Pomeranian and two cats. My family and I have been doing a new feeding schedule for our pets.

But we learned that that way of feeding is in healthy. So we changed things up a bit and we are doing a twice a day feeding for all our pets. All of pur pets are reacting very well.

Except for our 5 year old pom Mittens. What should I do? I think a vet check is definitely in order, to rule out underlying medical issues. My 10 month toy poodle is probably in the high side of a toy. He weighs according to when I weigh him with me and then weigh myself. He will not eat any type of dog food, dry or wet.

The only thing is boiled chicken. And i cant put rice in it he will eat around those small grains. To be he is too skinny. The breeder did say he would be about lbs where he is now. But I can feel his ribs and his hip bones seem to protrude. Nothing noticeable due to the fact he has dense hair being a poodle. But I feel it. Is the chicken diet ok? I have to crush vitamins for him to take it but if he seems to know its in there then there goes the chicken.

Is he ok in the weight range? My dog has only been taking water and no food for three straight days now, he seems dehydrated everytime. He also has thick spec coming out from one of his eyes. He normally eats very very well. What do I do please? Lots of possible causes, but most likely a stomach problem or a blocked bowel. Seek veterinary advice! Username or Email Address. Remember Me.

Thank you for your help. A member of our team will investigate this further. When should I worry about my dog not eating? There are different types of anorexia.

Ask a vet. Add your comment. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Michelle Vinall Nov 1, Jo wing Oct 25, Marilyn Oct 24, Tobi Tuks Oct 20, Judy Oct 17, T Lincoln Oct 9, They checked and no temperature, teeth ok and tummy checked all ok as far as they think. Char Oct 3, Jen Zanone Sep 25, Kathy Sep 23,


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