New adjustments in v1. Any mods that already exist will benefit from the engine improvements with an overall better look and performance. Graphics Optimizations Sins: Rebellion gets a face lift in v1.
The improvements to the memory system have allowed for a new "Extreme" texture setting that makes the game look better than ever. The difference is noticeable in everything from the ships and the planets all the way to shadow rendering. The UI will look incredible on 4K monitors now thanks to user interface scaling. Late Game Optimizations Reduced stuttering and lag during late game battles let you focus on the fight! The Iron Engine has been improved so you can enjoy large fights without worrying about issues.
The game's AI has also received some updates, making for more interesting challenges and gameplay. Quoting Nonnac04, reply 2 Thanks JonJames. Unfortunately the sad truth is, Sins is a bit like Supreme Commander, MASIVE amount of numbers regarding ships, and each ship has to have AI attached to each one which means many AI algorithms constantly being processed, just like supreme commander had. Now for the record I am not talking about full multi threading, but even if Sins could shift some work over to another thread some games are finding ways to shift AI routines over to the other thread it would really help performance significantly.
A snippet from paradox forum, which also have been running into CPU bottlenecks with their more heavy games such as Victoria 2 and definitely HoI3. This works well because the biggest part of AI processing is deciding what to do, not actually doing it. Of course there solution is based on their game engine; there is a very strong chance that the AI system in ironclads engine can't be adapted in such a way; however I will finish up with the topic question-.
If a 60 galaxy size system causes stutter, then come down to 50, or 40 until you find a sweet spot that matches your system capability. But there really is nothing us players can do about it unless you just put up with the stutter. The truth is, it's down to the developers to find ways to remedy this situation, yet it is my opinion that until they start taking advantage of parallel threading even if only small steps to begin with this problem of stutter and lagging is ALWAYS going to plague this game series, even rebellion.
PS, it's a shame this topic is not more heavily talked about by users in the forum, because mid to late stage stutter lag effects everyone at some point, and the potential of Sins in scale would grow enormously if the game engine wasn't so CPU bound All rights reserved.
Forum Home Login. Home Sins of a Solar Empire Technical. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Chocapic View Profile View Posts. Hey everyone, when I play for more than 1 hour the game start to slow down, even with my intel i5 3. Do you have any idea on how to optimize this? Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments. Graphic quality probably doesn't matter.
Try hiding trade ship icons, stacking your Empire tree, and setting the game's priority to "High" in task manager. And of course the most important thing, make sure nothing else intensive is running in the background virus scans, saving movie files etc.
Last edited by GoaFan77 ; 28 Jan, pm. I already have a very well optimized windows. I will try to stack and to hide trade ships. Thanks for your comment.