Why is jdm better

Wagons are cool; fast wagons are cooler. Drifting has become a bona fide motorsport in recent years, and it all started on the mountain passes of Japan. Drivers would escape the city and the law and take to the twisting tarmac, kicking the rear end loose to give a better angle on the exit of the corner.

This evolved into the bonkers cloud-forming sideways action we see today, but originally it was all about the street racing. While the rest of the world was driving in straight lines or hooning uphill, the Japanese were being suitably insane by racing down hill.

A subtle difference, but when racing with gravity pushing you along, the car always feels on the edge of losing control. Please confirm you agree to the use of tracking cookies as outlined in the Cookies Policy.

Yes the could be used to make some big improvements on the gsr, but you're also paying for those parts and a more rare engine. You also have to consider supply and demand.

Registered VIP. I've always heard there's some sort of tax break to get rid of an "old car" and buy a new car in Japan. Thus the low miles. SlowTEC Initiate brain dump in Now, to answer your question. More than likely, availability. XpL0d3r I had a Civic once. Staff member. The only reason I had a JDM motor is because I didn't know it was JDM until I went to go pick it up lol.

JDM Fans. Stevan Kojic. Mazda RX7 FD. View gallery image. Join In Want to add something? Comments 8 Popular Latest. Watch The Tofu. Mark Stevens. AH3 GT R MT Blake. Basith Penna-Hakkim. Post sponsored by.

Tim Rodie All Polls. US Congress wants carmakers to fit anti-drink driving tech to its vehicles. Ben Welham Today's Top News. Fun Stuff. Surname or VAT no. Check order status. As of late, however, it is also commonly used to refer to JDMs. There was a time when the Japanese Domestic Market offered a wide range of underappreciated automotive gems, but that little piece of paradise has almost faded away — the sheer amount of JDMs available for purchase is more and more scarce, and the prices of the cars themselves appear to be on a perpetual upward trajectory.

Let's dive deeper into this particular part of the cherry blossom automotive market and discover the reasons behind the sudden popularity of these vehicles. These vehicles make both excellent racers and excellent drifters. The fact of the matter is, the best JDM cars can still outrun most modern-age, performance-oriented cars out there. Today, the notion of a 2-litre petrol powertrain clocking BHP without a supercharger seems surreal.

Another paramount factor behind the success of JDM cars is that they were built to last, and without sparing any expenses on the features, too. JDMs were often loaded with technology you'd expect to see in a German premium-class vehicle. On top of that, planned obsolescence in the automotive industry was virtually unheard of back in the s. Whereas if you bought a brand-new sports SUV today, in 20 years, you would most likely end up pushing it the last mile. Meanwhile, the classic Hondas and Toyotas will continue to dominate the quarter-mile runs , albeit to the horror of the ecologists.

The driving factor behind the recent surge of JDM purchases is perhaps their unmistakable appearance. After all, they were the true stars of the Fast and Furious motion picture that started it all, overtaking the likes of Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Vin Diesel to the throne. When it comes to Japanese sports cars, what everyone tends to talk about lately are their prices.

Worth more by the year, JDMs are perceived as a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity not just for car enthusiasts, but also for those looking to turn a lucrative profit in the future. Especially if they happen to own one of these….


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