The novel provides an alternative telling to L. Wicked is always remembered for its stage production and costumes, as it takes on the task of creating an entire alternative universe. The story is based on the premise that, actually, the Land of Oz is run as a dictatorship and that future wicked witch of the west, Elpheba, is a revolutionary who attempts to rescue animals and free speech.
The initial idea is not inherently awful but this plot is tied to an abusive back story where Elpheba is treated awfully by her entire family and, later, her best friend, Glinda. This unhealthy dynamic helps to build the argument for an evil protagonist yet is used melodramatically to create an almost martyr-like quality to Elpheba.
This creates a glaring plot hole that perhaps destroys the emotional believability of the initial family dynamic. This plot holds a tragic quality but remains bearable until Wicked attempts to connect directly to the original Wizard of Oz. The lion, the tin man, the scarecrow and even her sister, the wicked witch of the East, all turn out to be people Elpheba has attempted to help but somehow turned them against her.
Worse still is the ending. The final scenes reveal that Elpheba has in fact only faked her death to be with her beloved, who is now recognisable as the scarecrow. Unfortunately, this again is unconvincing. However, regardless of all of the weaknesses Wicked still lives on. Wicked deals with many issues that bring people back to adolescence such as the trials of friendship, insecurity about appearance, and feeling like an outsider; makeovers, mean teachers and angst about relationships.
All of this combines to bring the audience into a kind of empathy that draws a large crowd. Log in. May 13, by TodayTix. What Is Wicked About? The story and musical was developed over a series of readings and workshops.
Schwartz wrote the role of Glinda with Kristin Chenoweth in mind, and she played the role from the readings through to Broadway. Stephanie J. Block played Elphaba in the readings and workshops before Idina Menzel was cast for Broadway. Wicked had its world premiere in San Francisco in May The creative team made a series of changes to the show to prepare it for Broadway, including recasting the Wizard.
Wicked opened on Broadway on October 30, at the Gershwin Theatre, where it still plays on Broadway. Jackie Green backstage at the Gershwin Theatre. Who Is on the Wicked Creative Team? The pair were brought together by a mutual friend, who invited them to lunch to discuss a possible Disney musical. I think it should be a Broadway musical. I knew automatically it was going to be a big thing in my life. They were popular!
So it goes back to that and before. For Evans, that was one of the more nerve-wracking songs to take on when she landed the role of Glinda. She did her own thing. So I had to unlearn everything and then re-learn it. I keep an element of her there because I think she played it amazingly, but I hope I do put my own little stamp on it. Schwartz wrote the role of Glinda specifically for Chenoweth.
He thinks it changed an entire generation of aspiring musical theatre performers — Evans included. She literally is Glinda in real life. And she was just the nicest person ever.
I was gutted. It was Elphaba, though, with whom Schwartz felt an immediate affinity when he and Holzman were writing Wicked. Closing out the first act, the big, shivers-inducing set piece sees a newly enraged Elphaba not only accept but embrace her outsider status. And so I altered the melody to allow her to do that.