Before applying for UCAS Adjustment, seek advice from an adviser at your school, college, centre or careers office to see if its a good idea for you. UCAS notes that if a university or college offers you a place over the phone, you just need to accept the offer verbally. If the university is happy to accept you, your Track screen will be updated with the new choice.
How to Apply. So you might need to contact several universities to find course vacancies in Adjustment. UCAS will also remove your original offer from Track automatically. So make sure you're making the right decision before you accept it verbally.
But you may be able to apply to us directly. We'll talk you through this process. If you don't verbally accept an offer from another uni through Adjustment, you'll stay with your firm choice. It's more difficult to cancel UCAS Adjustment if you change your mind after you've switched courses and accepted a new offer. Different universities have different processes and your place on your original course may have been filled during Clearing. So you'll need to contact both universities.
This site uses cookies. Click here to view our cookie policy message. This starts either:. If your offer becomes UF less than five days before the end of the Adjustment period, you'll have whatever time is left between then and the end of August.
Once you've received a verbal offer and accepted this, the University then add ourselves to your application. Your Track will then be updated with our offer as your choice and UCAS will send you a confirmation letter.
Your UF will be safe while you use Adjustment. Remember if you contact them on results day there could be a short delay while your application is updated.
Talk to them about course vacancies, but make sure you tell them that you're just gathering information at this stage. If a university or college offers you a place over the phone, you just need to let them know if you'd like to accept it. Remember you can only have one Adjustment offer, and it's the university or college that will add themselves to your application. If they're happy to accept you, your Track screen will be updated with the new choice and UCAS will send you a confirmation letter.