Asking how many in spanish

Learning the Spanish interrogatives will also help you obtain a wider grasp of the language you are learning as it will welcome new vocabulary for your day-to-day life. Nevertheless, asking questions in Spanish can be very different from the English form, in fact, one of the differences appears right from the beginning of the question when you will often find the inverted question mark that is so famous in the Spanish language. This upside-down question mark is always used and it implies the beginning of the question, thus the intonation of the speaker should change accordingly.

However, the question mark does not always go at the start of the sentence because sometimes there are other relevant words beforehand.

A great thing about the Spanish language is that there is a relaxed way of using and creating its syntax which is the arrangement of words in a sentence. So, when asking a question these would be perfectly acceptable as well:. In addition, another difference between the two languages is the accent marks.

In Spanish question words must have an accent mark in order to understand that a question is being asked. Always remember to place the first inverted question mark, if not you will probably be changing the question that you have asked. Useful tip: Remember that if you would like to emphasize an exclamation point in a question then you could do it like this:.

Keep on reading this guide so you can find a complete and relevant list of the essential question words in Spanish. Always remember that in Spanish if the subject of the sentence is singular or plural it means that it will also affect subsequent parts of the sentence. Do not worry though, as we are now going to have a look at the correct and possible uses of this question word:.

Note: To be fair, it is more difficult to understand the English words than the Spanish ones. Wow, you've mastered the use of cuantos and cuantas! Good job! You've got a solid understanding of how to use cuanto, cuanta, cuantos, and cuantas and the quality of your Spanish conversations are exploding through the roof! As you keep up your hard work and practice, you're starting to understand better how to use cuanto, cuanta, cuantos, and cuantas.

For more study materials, keep up-to-date with our newest published blog posts at Homeschool Spanish Academy. You can do it! Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! If you're ready to take your Spanish to the next level and master the usage of cuanto, cuanta, cuantos, and cuantas, then join us for a free Spanish class with one of our friendly, certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. Sign up today! Author Recent Posts. Olga Put. Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy.

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