Can you save emma mgs2

It seems strange, though, that the legendary Solid Snake was not able to help out at all at this part. What a fucking hero. If you look for Snake you will see him certainly looking through his PSG-1… but at absolutely nothing, while Emma is pleading for her life below. It seems like he had the perfect shot but decided to let luck dictate the next course of events. What people, including myself, missed is the fact that the game actually explains why Snake could not have done anything with his rifle at that moment.

Emma wet herself upon being confronted by the armed stranger, but eventually realized that Raiden was not a terrorist when he revealed his use of Codec nanomachines. Despite this, she stubbornly refused to swim as a means to escape, due to her aquaphobia. Eventually, Raiden helped Emma to overcome her fear, and the two of them made it back to the stable section of the Big Shell. In order to meet with Solid Snake and Otacon, Emma had to cross a series of oil fences, since the main bridge connecting the two halves of the facility had collapsed due to Raiden's previous fight with the terrorists' Harrier.

Snake and Raiden covered her progress by taking up sniper positions against Gun Cyphers and the guards. While crossing the fence, Emma encountered a mercenary that was somewhat dumbfounded upon finding a girl in the facility, but decided to let her go due to " ancient history. Although Raiden "killed" Vamp with sniper shooting, Vamp stabbed Emma while using her as a human shield moments before getting shot. The stab wound was estimated by Snake to have pierced her intestinal tract, and be as large as the actual wound.

Snake carried Emma to the computer room in the Shell 1 Core, where she could upload a worm cluster that would disable GW, and it was there that she was reunited with her brother. Despite the best efforts of Snake and Otacon, her bleeding wouldn't stop, as she needed abdominal surgery, something that was not available. Even when the worm's upload progress abruptly halted at ninety percent, and it seemed uncertain that it would work, Otacon kept telling her that everything was alright.

Emma then told Otacon that she had become involved in Arsenal Gear's development not to hurt Otacon, but so that her brother would "look at [her] as a woman" to which Otacon responded that "[He] could never do that. Moments after Emma's passing, Otacon broke down emotionally and revealed that the affair with Emma's mother had caused his own father to commit suicide. Although Emma wore glasses, she never actually needed them, as she did so in imitation of her brother.

Feeling as though her beloved brother had abandoned her in her youth, Emma grew up resentful of Otacon, and desired some form of revenge. She decided to do this by beating him at his own game, in this case, his aptitude for computer technology, and willingly joined the Arsenal Gear project to work as an AI developer. When accused of being a criminal by Otacon, she retorted that he was the same, having illegally modified their shared Internet account, sometime prior to the Big Shell Incident, as an example of his hacking activities.

She also claimed that science was to be used for accomplishing one's own dreams, in response to Otacon's view that science should benefit the world. However, Snake, when hearing this comment from Emma, also stated that was the "line that scientists were never meant to cross," and felt she was speaking with her mind, rather than her heart. Emma had an intense fear of bugs, as she refused to pass through a sea lice -infested hallway of the Big Shell, until they were cleared away by Raiden.

The aquaphobia was severe enough that she was unwilling to even wear a bathing suit. Indeed, when informed by Raiden about the height of a ladder that they needed to climb down, she briefly turned away and considered saying no about wanting to climb down. Emma owned a parrot during the Big Shell Incident. Danziger, from the novel Time and Again. Upon returning to the Shell 2 Core B1 Filtration Chamber 2, with Emma in tow, if the player saves the game, Rosemary Raiden's girlfriend becomes jealous of the attention Raiden gives Emma, accusing Raiden of being attracted to her, with Raiden admitting finding Emma cute.

If the player presses the R1 button during a Codec conversation with Emma while she is speaking , Raiden's thoughts will say "How cute! When Emma is crossing the Strut L Oil Fence, the player can use to directional microphone to hear several different conversations:.

At one point, if Raiden interacted with her pet parrot, it will say "Venus in Cancer. However, the reference was lost in translation. If the player tranquilizes Emma with the M9, she can be heard to say "Venus in Cancer" in her sleep, if contacted by Codec. Like Otacon, Emma also had a poster of Policenauts in her office. It totally leads combatants into a false sense of security.

They just sound like dumb cows. Even though he showed flashes of swordsmanship akin to the beloved Cyborg Ninja, fans rejected him with a passion. Skip to content Helpful tips. March 28, Joe Ford. Table of Contents.


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