Chiropractic how many visits

Chiropractic Treatment Program Guidelines share pin it Newsletters. By Kelly Andrews, DC. Peer Reviewed. View Chiropractic Videos. Does-response and efficacy of spinal manipulation for care of chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Spine J. Spinal manipulation and exercise for low back pain in adolescents: a randomized trial. Spinal manipulative therapy and exercise for older adults with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial.

Chiropr Man Therap. Published May Ask your chiropractor if treatments are necessary once the symptoms have resolved. If the chiropractor begins discussing ongoing continued treatment when symptoms have resolved, this is a potential red flag that the chiropractor may have the wrong motives.

In summary, there are a variety of factors and conditions that may require more extensive chiropractic treatment to bring to a resolution, such as car accident injuries, sports injuries, advanced age, and chronic conditions. On the other hand, there are many conditions that should resolve within a short amount of time, usually between two and four weeks with chiropractic treatment, and that should be brought to a conclusion or tapered back once symptoms are resolving or improving.

Monday am - pm. Tuesday am - pm. Wednesday am - pm. Thursday am - pm. Friday am - pm. Saturday Closed. Chiropractic Care. That is where chiropractic excels when it comes to treating biomechanical instabilities. Pain is not the real problem, but rather a warning sign that there is something wrong that needs to be addressed. People are used to popping a pill for this or that ache as they seek quick relief. If the pain keeps returning, however, it should become obvious that those pills are not the answer.

That is where chiropractic can help. As you ask yourself why does a chiropractor recommend multiple visits, consider how many total pills did you take and for how long before you decided to try an alternative health treatment?

You can pretty well rest assured that the number of chiropractic visits, and the duration of care, needed to correct your problem will be far less when all is said and done. Additionally, I often recommend that patients come in from time to time for checkups , the goal being to detect and treat developing problems before they become painful again.


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