Vaagmi Well-known member. Hi Dr. Kindly stick to the topic and refrain from anything else. If needed they can be spun off to a new thread. That is a accepted practice. In fact there is precedence and approval in our religious literature for that.
Periyazhwar aka Vishnu Chitta was a poet in the darbar of a Pandya King. He taught the king the philosophy and removed his doubts about the nature of God entity.
The King offered him a bundle of gold coins in return for the help. The God in the form of the deity called Koodalazhagar in the Madurai temple came on his vehicle Garuda in the sky and blessed the Azhwar.
As the Azhwar had the darshan of the God, he went into raptures and sung the poem in Tamil which is called Thiruppallaandu. In that work Azhwar wishes the Lord many years of existence in an Earthling's understanding "existence" is all important. It is also the wish of the Azhwar that there should be no harm to the entity which is beyond the Time as it has chosen to come within the domain of Time to give him darshan like a mother does a ritualistic "drishti removal" or "kaappu" to her child.
Azhwar did a poem whereas the middle class bhakta does an archana wishing the God existence for ever!! So to conclude, I find nothing wrong in doing an archana in the name of God as it is just a MangalAsAsanam. Hope this helps you think and perceive. Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, In some temples when a lot of crowd is there, only one general archana is being done for the entire gathering as a strategy of crowd management and the plate with coconut is returned at a different counter.
Better to gain knowledge even from a certified atheist or an agnostic person than falling into the label of innocent or does it mean ignorant?
Dinesh, I am sure you may be regretting your impulse to make a post here about your doubt regarding archana and that too in temples. If you have the time and background knowledge, and study our hindu religion, you will find that "archana" forms one of the 16 'upacaaras' to be performed to one's god i.
Therefore, the practice of getting any kind of archana being done by an appointed priest to an idol in a temple, which is a place for common worship of the community, will stand contrary to basic hindu religion. The fact is that there was no such archana when the people were adhering to the teachings of the vedas only. We then had only one god entity, namely the sacrificial fire in which all other devas devatas, deities, gods were invited imaginarily and oblations were offered in the same fire for several devatas.
As time passed, we hindus which, in those days meant only the people belonging to the three higher castes —Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vaisya —, started building temples more and more elaborate, larger and ostentatious, to different forms of god, appointed priests and other servants for proper maintenance and running of these temples, and so on.
The temple priests started performing archanas on behalf of any devotee, and in return the priest used to get dakshina directly from the devotee. After introduction of government control, etc. Later another assistant priest or some other temple employee puts the prasadam in the thaTTu after taking away the flowers, coconut, garland, etc. That is all. I personally feel that if we place even a few flowers before the image of god in our house with sincerity, that will be a better deed than going through this charade of Temple archanas.
To me this appears to be faulty. We do archanai in pursuance to the sankalpam or "determination" to do a karma or an "act or action". For this purpose alone, the archakar or the poojari asks for the name, nakshatram, gotrA of the performer. We specifically mention our name etc. Now, if you have heard the archanai mantrams, which are in basic sanskrit or tamil, you will notice the repetition of the word namaH if in sanskrit and Potri if in tamil.
NamaH simply means "I bow to If one does the sankalpam in the name of God it would be ridiculuous as it would mean God prostrating to himself or calling himself by various names. By taking sankalpam in God's name and chanting the ashtottaram simply means suppose it is addressed to Sri Krishna Krishna bows to Devaki putra and Krishna bows to satya-BhAma's consort or Krishna hails himself for doing kamsa vadham.
Now as regards doing poojai or archanai as a mere thanks giving endeavour and not praying for begging as someone else put it here, there can never be a more pseudo explanation.
Doing pojja etc. Now one has to be Causeless cause himself to stop the flow of fruit of action, in which case he the performer is himself a God. So why do poojai or archanai? Every word can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context. I can define myself as XYZ but it may mean some thing altogether different to another reader.
You may ascribe labels like "agnostic", "atheist", or "believer" may be ascribed to others purely out of malice or ignorance. In Hinduism these words take on different connotation. They all can coexist in Hindu religion.
When a person does archanai in his name, the benefit goes to him. If you do archanai to the Lord of your birth star during that particular period of time when Lord occupies the star as per Hindu calendar for the month, your prospects are brighter and you achieve what you wish through doing archanai to God. Prayers and poojas at temples magnify the radiance of God. So, doing archanai at temples is more beneficial than doing pooja at home. While we are expanding adding temple services in our portfolio, if you have any specific temples for which seeking pooja, please contact us.
Visit us to know more. Today, November 12, Sunrise: Sunset: Weather forecast from yr. Why should we do Archana at Temples? What is Archanai? Why do people say their names, gothram and nakshatras for doing archanai? Since, the souls in the human body are embodied souls; it becomes easier for human beings to propitiate before the idols of Gods in manifestation. The necessity of concentration on embodied form of God was the main reason behind construction of temples for Gods and Goddesses.
However, concentration of mind is absolutely necessary for establishing union with God. This is a difficult thing to do whether one attempts to worship God in manifested form or in the form which is not manifested. The difficulty was mentioned by Arjun in Gita. It is believed that construction of temples started in Kaliyug the last of the 4 Vedic epochs.
The importance of temples started growing because they became centers and mediums for communion with God. The main benefits of going to temples may be explained below:- The Main Purpose is Puja by Devotees: It becomes easy for a devotee to concentrate in worshiping God in a temple where hundreds of devotees come for the same purpose.
The God must be approached with humility, without pride, tolerance, simplicity, self control, renunciation of the objects of sense gratification and steadiness. The environment of the temple produces a psychological effect which helps in concentrating on the desired objective. A temple is the place where a devotee tries to remain free from the perception of evil of birth, death old age, disease and entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest of the world. The main motive is to do worship and every other thing becomes unimportant.
Ego is the greatest enemy of man which is the cause of lust and anger. These evils are impediments in establishing a communion with God. In the environment of the temple, in the midst of hundreds of other devotees, the false sense of ego begins to evaporate and the individual becomes a non-entity.