I had a big dog with seizures once and it was a real challenge. She recently started to circle and seeing this new symptom has broke my heart. I had been treating her elevated liver levels and seizures not thinking anything about cognitive issues really until the staring into space started. Now that she is circling though I am wondering honestly how much longer she will be with me?! Does anyone have any time frame experience to share with me from when circling began to when they lost their pet?!
She is just shaky stares off sometimes and circles at times. Any advice would be appreciated! My Cricket circled obviously for a few months, and never did get to the really tight circling that some dogs do. If she is still with you, is she able to rest at all? Hugs to you. This was very helpful. We have a 16 year old toy poodle that just started the circling. He started a few months back with the sidewalks.
My question is; should we get the medical attention to prolong his little life and after this has started about how long do we have left with the little fella? She had painful glaucoma in both eyes, so we took them out two years ago. She takes Gabapentin for arthritis in her hips and takes another pill for incontinence.
She has a grade 3 or 4 heart murmur and now she circles. In the living room, round and round, every night, all night. Is she still with you? Also, to me personally, a big thing is whether the dog still knows me. I would not want to keep her on this earth if she had lost her connection to a person. I apologize for my late response.
It helped me make the decision to let my girl go. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. But I tell myself that she can see and hear now, and is running and playing in the sun.
I have a 7 year old chuhuahau and he spins in circles get real paranoid and can not eat drink or settle down for like 6 hours I noticed this was happening a few times after I let him out side he is a rock kicker could he be setting bug spray ordered killer in his system? I actualy watch him lick rocks and 5 minutes later he was spinning? I hope you can get some good advice about this from your vet, Joanne. We have a 12 y old amstaff. He has a brain tumor that we treated with radiation 2 and a half years ago, tumor reduced and is stabile but he had one isolated epileptic seizure a year ago.
He already passed the life expectancy of radiation treated dogs, every month was a blessing. He has difficulty walking but shows affection, huge appetite and we think he still wants to fight the cancer, however lately he started having these periods of running agitated around the room, whining for hours, circling and getting stuck in corners all typical signs of dementia.
Do you have any advice? Dementia and brain tumors can have a big overlap of symptoms. Wish I had a way to help.
Hello Madam, My adult Labrador can no longer walk the stairs above and down. She normally face towards corner wall. She no more plays. When she moves,she moves in circular direction. Everytime when she moves,she moves downwards direction. Can i know why there is a change in her behaviour overnight?
During her first day of unusual behaviour: she couldnt walk and we had to bed rest her. Your quick reply would be Appreciated. Are you able to take her to a veterinarian? It sounds like your Labrador has several problems at the same time. I hope you can see a vet. There may be some prescription drugs that can help. It was not a fun time because she was just frantically trying to stand, panting, crying, etc. Heart racing.
Ended up putting her on some significant tranquilizers to get her through it. Glad she was a small dog! Eventually, for me, it came down to their quality of life. Yes, they could walk around, go outside to potty with me keeping them on a schedule, they ate. Their confusion and crying seemed genuine. At one point my Dobe tried to crawl through a shelf on a tv table. I have a year-old collie. I noticed some time ago that she was having trouble getting around.
I especially noticed that she had trouble going downstairs and would stop on the top two steps as if she was trying to get the courage to go down. She then started turning circles over and over and walking into corners and getting stuck under things like the back porch steps. This past week, everything got dramatically worse. We had snow and way to much rain this past week. She would start turning circles really fast over and over in the mud while I was pleading with her to come inside.
She would finally plop down in the mud. She ended up getting filthy. She has now progressed to the point that her back legs have given out. She was needing help getting up then would go straight to turning circles. Since she could not get up on her own, she would end up soiling herself. She has now gotten to the point that now that she cannot even walk or stand when I help her up. The vet thinks it could be an intracranial or extracranial brain disorder.
She is such a sweet girl and I hate seeing her go through this. The vet is going to do blood tests but I am not sure if she can be helped or not. This page has helped in feeling not as alone or guilty in my pursuit to keep my angel on earth.
Dementia at the end killed my heart, and eventually complications of kidney and infection were too much to reverse. At 16 she was still killing the game… it went south so fast. So yesterday I held her and stared into eyes as she gently passed. All we can do is get a little more time and make sure it is quality. Really sucks… really breaks the heart.
Your love for her shines through. Thank you for writing about this. My Zukee is a 11 year old Havanese. Her liver enzymes are high and now this. I have controlled the stomach bloating with the Pet Wellness Gold and the liver with the Milk Thistle. The vet and family friends say that it is time, but I am not ready.
The vet told me that she has no pain and is not suffering, she is just not living. She pees on the pad and knows when the treats are coming, when I put ice cube on her water. She understands this. I am grateful that so many people have gone and are going through the same thing.
She is losing weight, now 8 lbs. I want to learn how to make her life easier, but I am taking a little of my own life. She paces constantly at night, giving me very little sleep.
This is like having a baby and I look at it this way, even though I am Thank you again for your blog, support and understanding.
I know how hard it is. I am seeing this with my 11 year old chihuahua Lulu. I woke up and watched her do this for four minutes or so completely bewildered as to what was going on with her.
She had a couple of sessions of twitching her legs and stiffness but I finally have her calmed down and back to sleep but I am crying as I type this. I will try to get her in to see the vet in the morning but I know the end is near for her and I am not ready to say goodbye. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Published by Eileen Anderson at June 25, Categories Circling Dementia behaviors. Can you see it? Share this: Tweet. Eileen Anderson. Related posts. Life Expectancy of Dogs with Dementia Read more. Read more. June 26, at pm. Eileen says:. John Cooper says:. August 7, at am. August 8, at pm. Frances Davis says:.
March 11, at pm. March 16, at am. Jerome says:. May 25, at pm. Frances O Davis says:. May 28, at am. This will go a long way toward preventing an ear infection due to wax buildup, ear mites, or injury. It will also include vaccinations to prevent deadly diseases, and if necessary, perform blood work to diagnose a developing health condition.
Monitoring their dog like this helps minimize their risk of injury by ensuring that you can discern between normal and irregular behavior. When an injury does occur, dog parents who know their dog will see it happen quickly and can take swift action to give it appropriate treatment.
Catching it early and getting proper treatment can help prevent more serious problems from developing in the future. While we write about many topics concerning pet care, we are not veterinary professionals. As such, while our articles are well researched and informative, we recommend you talk to your own vet to inquire about conditions specific to your own pet that you may be concerned about. Centreville — , Chantilly — Clifton — Fairfax — , Fairfax Station — Manassas — , , Reston — , Contact Paw Pals for More Information Paw Pals specializes in professional dog walking, dog sitting, and pet sitting services.
One of our reliable, adult staff members will keep your pet safe, while providing your pet the love and care they need when you are away. Contact us to learn more! Office Hours Monday. Areas Served Centreville — , Chantilly — Clifton — Fairfax — , Fairfax Station — Manassas — , , Reston — , Google Rating.
Paw Pals Pet Sitting. Andrea Hall 03 Oct I wasn't sure about hiring a new doggie walker service Thank you for everything! Phillip Evans 11 Jul When we adopted our new dog in January, Paw Pals agreed to walk her and give her some outside time so she wasn't in the crate all day. If you suspect your dog is walking in circles due to a stroke, contact your veterinarian immediately. Underlying issues causing issues with the inner ear can once again include inner or middle ear infection as well as tumors in or trauma to the skull or ear.
The brainstem might be affected due to infections or inflammations, but also less frequently due to a thiamine deficiency or Metronidazole toxicity antibiotic. Furthermore, cerebellar or spinal cord issues are possible too and some of the reasons above may cause these conditions. Consult your vet if you suspect ataxia in any way and they should be able to give you all the essential information.
If your dog is spinning in circles and panting, severe cases of pain, ear infections, brain inflammations, or tumors might cause these stronger developed episodes. However, if your dog is excessively panting and summoning all his strength, it may very well one of these causes.
Make sure you rule out stereotypes where that behavior has manifested or just plain playful behavior which should never reach excessive levels though. My Dog's Symptoms. Dog care, symptoms, health issues, and dog health advocacy from an owner's perspective.
In loving memory of Jasmine. How do you tell which is which? It is a test of your observation skills.
How many circles does your dog make? Does your dog look distressed or lost? What happens after? Cookie, my Rottweiler girl, is one of the dogs who does make a few circles before settling down—both indoors and outside. She will also scratch at her bed in the effort to get it just right. But she keeps trying. I keep saying that we ought to get her a sandbox instead of a bed. Jasmine did that sometimes. Often, though, this behavior increased when she was in pain.
At those times, she would also pace around and pant.