Why is elijah protecting elena

Really, the only thing more unfair would have been if Damon had already started the shower water. She wanted to be there for him. She told him that he needed to know someone cared about him and she did.

Just go. See, not a total demon. Finally, we get to Klaus. Or, at least Klaric. Personally, I think Klaus is going soft: All Klaric did when he left Katherine to go verbally torture Aunt Jenna was compel her not to leave until he told her to. Stefan told her not to go, that he was coming over to fill her in.

When he got there, Klaric was already in the house looking the best Matt Davis has ever looked on the show. Klaric used it to cook them lunch. Then, he launched into a little story about how Alaric was obsessed with vampires. And werewolves, which were even older than vamps. Stefan stood at that moment, and his protective instincts were a total turn on.

Stefan supersped over to him and took him to the wall with the knife at his throat. Jenna wanted Stefan to calm down, but he told her to go, with his face in full vamp mode, and she motored. Stefan punched Klaric to knock him out and kicked him twice. Jenna admitted she was scared and ever empathetic Stefan got all teary-eyed standing outside the doorway listening. Elena later told Jenna more of what was going on off camera, and Jenna was in shock, Elena reported.

Do we think Jenna will make it to season 3? Now what if it gets her killed? Wah waaaah. So if she goes, it will have to be in a blaze of glory. Klaric returned to his apartment, and Katherine stopped her bourbon-fueled solo dance party just in time.

The witches later did the spell to transfer Klaus back into his body and poof! The trunk was opened and out walked Klaus, looking contemporary and fairly yummy. So what do you think of Klaus? Modern day, he looks younger than Elijah, which is interesting. I hope Klaus claims at least one life next episode. We need to fear him as much as we did Klaric and Elijah right away.

Is there any doubt that Damon is the one who decides to screw up the ritual? The Vampire Diaries recap: MythBusters. Save FB Tweet More. Vampire Diaries Klaus. The Vampire Diaries. The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Edit page. Top Gap. See more gaps ».

Create a list ». Very special episodes to do not forget. Watched in See all related lists ». Share this page:. Nearly every main character in Mystic Falls works to protect Elena from dangerous foes and threats.

Although there are occasional rough patches, friendship usually wins out in the end, showing that the group will always be there for each other. Elena is determined to save her friends from pain and is willing to step into danger to protect them from harm.

Elena wants her friends to remain safe, especially when she is the one everyone is after. Elena and Jeremy may have their struggles, but Klaus has significantly more family issues. The Originals expands on the struggles the Mikaelsons already had and alluded to in Mystic Falls.

Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, and Finn's issues are highlighted throughout the seasons as they face off against each other and larger threats. Freya's arrival even causes friction between the Mikaelsons at first. The difficult family dynamic also extends to Esther and Mikael, who have taken different approaches to work toward their children's demise. For as many horrible things that Elena goes through, she is the more relatable protagonist than Klaus.

For one, she is far younger at 17 in the beginning. She was recently orphaned and trying to figure out how to deal with grief and move on. Elena's friends have been around since they were children, and her world expands with the arrival of the Salvatore brothers. She cares deeply about her family and friends and has trouble making choices when she knows the result will hurt someone she cares about.

Elijah is Klaus's greatest anchor. Even though Elijah has not been there for Klaus every second of their thousand years on Earth, Elijah is the biggest supporter of his brother's redemption. Klaus needs Elijah to keep him in check in a way that no one else does or can.

Their relationship is one of the largest centerpieces of The Originals. Klaus even breaks the rules of their family's agreement to remain separated so that he can keep an eye on Elijah. All the while, he is killing Elijah's enemies because due to Elijah's amnesia, he wouldn't know he has any.


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